Histology - Function, Interaction, Method, and Components
Histology (Greek histo - tissue + logos - research) is the science that studies the tissues of the body and how these tissues are located, forming organs. There are four main tissues known: e pithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, and nerve tissue . In Histology , Tissues are made up of cells and intercellular substance - two components that were previously considered independent of each other. The intercellular substance is formed by various types of molecules , some of them are highly organized and form complex structures such as collagen fibrils and basement membranes. The main functions of Histology is previously attributed to the extracellular substance included providing mechanical support for cells , transporting nutrients to cells , and removing catabolic products and secretory substances . It has now been established that, in addition to these functions, the components of the intercellular substance affect the cells that produce them....