Today, an aneurysm of the splenic artery is one of the most common types of disease of this nature. More often, this pathology is found only in the expansion of the walls of the abdominal aorta. The disease is predominantly female, that is, in men, it is much less common. Moreover, older people are more susceptible to the development of such a disease, since it can be triggered by atherosclerosis.

But, despite the above, it is important to mention that young girls are also susceptible to developing this ailment. At the same time, at a young age, the disease is provoked by increased pressure of the hepatic vein and spleen. That is, despite the fact that the disease belongs to the category of age-related pathologies, it can manifest itself at a young age and cannot be completely prevented. Of course, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of developing an ailment by adhering to the correct lifestyle, which consists of regular exercise, proper nutrition, giving up bad habits, and more.


Important! Just like any disease, protrusion of the walls of blood vessels is the easiest to treat in the early stages. That is why it is important to regularly visit specialists for the purpose of routine examinations

The disease can give quite serious complications, which is why it is imperative to treat such an ailment. But in order to understand how to get rid of the disease, first you need to figure out why it occurs.


Causes of the splenic artery aneurysm


Pain in the hypochondrium is one of the signs

As already mentioned, a saccular aneurysm of the splenic artery is a serious enough disease that can cause serious complications. But at the same time, statistics show that in 80% of cases the disease is asymptomatic, which makes it even more dangerous. Due to the lack of characteristic and pronounced symptoms, the disease is very often diagnosed during a routine examination. That is, for a long time, the patient is unaware of the presence of the disease, and this is already a direct threat of expansion rupture. The gap is accompanied by more serious and very tangible manifestations, moreover, sometimes the consequences of such a violation can be very serious.


According to statistics, in 10% of cases, it was the rupture of the protrusion that became the reason for referring to specialists. This is due to the fact that such pathological processes are accompanied by vivid symptoms.

Important! In no case can one ignore the signs of a rupture of expansion, since as a result of such processes, hemorrhage occurs, which can cause irreparable consequences, including death.

As for the causes of the occurrence of an aneurysm of the splenic artery, then of course, it is impossible to reliably determine why an ailment may occur. But it was possible to identify a number of factors that can become a provocateur of the occurrence of such a disease.

  • inflammatory processes;
  • fibrous dysplasia;
  • multiple pregnancies;
  • portal hypertension.
Multiple pregnancies can trigger the disease

Due to the fact that patients seek the help of specialists in a timely manner, the percentage of diseases that end in expansion rupture is very low, approximately 2%. It is also worth noting that in 90% of cases of multiple pregnancies, such pathology is diagnosed. That is, we can conclude that the only option to maintain the health of the body is to responsibly treat all changes and regularly undergo a routine examination.


Manifestations of the disease

Symptoms of a saccular aneurysm of the splenic artery in most cases are absent altogether, and this is the main danger of such an ailment. But reasons for concern, nevertheless, can manifest themselves in the form of frequent pain in the hypochondrium. It is this symptom that most often becomes the reason that a person turns to specialists for a complete diagnosis. It is important to note that most often such a disease is localized in the left side, respectively, and the symptoms will appear in the same areas. When there is a suspicion of the presence of such a disease, it is important to undergo a full examination, which consists in conducting hardware and laboratory tests.

The aneurysm can be diagnosed in different ways, the most effective method for determining the ailment is X-ray examination. On an X-ray picture, such a disease manifests itself in the form of a seal, which has a pronounced rounded shape. A seal is localized in the spleen area. In addition to X-rays, an ailment can be recognized using ultrasound. As for the signs that may accompany a rupture, very often they are identical with such pathologies:

  1. Jaundice.
  2. Biliary colic.
  3. Gastrointestinal bleeding.


Important! There are several methods for treating splenic artery aneurysm, but be that as it may, therapy should be supervised by a doctor and in no case should you self-medicate .



A surgical method as one of the treatment options

Despite the fact that the treatment of a splenic artery aneurysm can be done in different ways, most often patients have prescribed surgery. Surgical treatment can be prescribed for various reasons, especially if there is a risk of rupture. In addition, surgical intervention is used in case of severe pain and other unpleasant symptoms that affect the patient's standard of living.

But if the disease is not characterized by large size and pronounced symptoms, then surgical intervention may be inappropriate. In this case, patients need to be regularly examined in order to track the development of pathology. Today, such a disease is operated on with a sparing method, that is, there is no need to remove the organ.

Be that as it may, in order to minimize the consequences of such a pathology, it is very important to strictly follow all the recommendations of specialists, and in the case of an operation, to undergo a full course of rehabilitation.


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