Chapter 21: Vegetarianism from birth

Children's health and vegetarianism

Should Children Be Vegetarians? This question worries many parents, even if the parents themselves adhere to a plant-based diet. Someone is confused by the purely physiological side of such a choice - whether the absence of meat, fish, eggs in the baby's diet is harmful to health. Someone is wondering how correct it is to decide for a child whether to be a vegetarian. The issue of vegetarianism for children is not easy, but parents will have to solve it and deal with their own doubts.

Children's health and vegetarianism

When we talk about the health effects of vegetarianism, we must understand that we need to strive for a healthy and healthy vegetarianism. You can not eat meat, but eat synthetic and modified food, do not follow the variety of the diet. Of course, such vegetarianism is of no use for an adult or a child's body. Perhaps it is these examples that demonstrate to other members of society the failure of vegetarianism. However, vegetarianism is a difference. At the same time, there are many examples of healthy and active babies who develop more often even more successfully than their peers on traditional nutrition. It is not entirely correct to conclude on the basis of any health failure that vegetarianism is harmful to a growing body, however, it is completely incorrect to conclude that

What do modern children eat? What their parents consider normal. Unfortunately, many babies already at an irresponsible age buy and give sweets, chips, chocolate, thereby causing habit and dependence in the future. Isn't there the same problem with depriving a child of choice? Only here he is deprived not of the opportunity to eat killer food, but of the opportunity to grow up healthy without killing his internal organs with sugar and food synthetics.

We are all afraid of death and the grief that wars bring with them. However, if you look at the statistics, wars are the last leading cause of death in our world. What's first? Cardiovascular diseases. It is not profitable for many to make wars today, it is expensive. It is better to discreetly, continuing to intimidate with war and distracting attention, letting people kill themselves at their own expense. What destroys our hearts and blood vessels, starting from childhood? Not only sugar, preservatives and other chemicals. Most of the content of toxic substances is found in meat, fish and eggs, which are completely artificially grown on hormones and antibiotics. Even the most "green" farm today cannot afford the luxury of doing without these drugs. The competition is too high. Why should children eat this? Are there really few plant foods with sufficient nutritional value? All vitamins and minerals do not grow in animals that people eat, they grow on the ground.

Let's take a look at what the human food pyramid consists of

The food pyramid, or food pyramid, is a schematic representation of the principles of healthy eating developed by nutritionists. The foods that make up the base of the pyramid should be eaten as often as possible, while the foods at the top of the pyramid should be avoided or consumed in limited quantities.

Physical activity usually lies at the base of the pyramid. Above are three food groups that are recommended to be consumed with each meal:

  1. vegetables, herbs, fruits;
  2. whole grain cereals (buckwheat, unpolished rice, millet, rolled oats);
  3. vegetable fats containing polyunsaturated fatty acids (olive oil, sunflower, rapeseed and others).

Basically, these are the products on the use of which it is recommended to build their daily diet for all people.

The second stage of the pyramid contains foods with a high protein content of vegetable (nuts, seeds, legumes) and animal origin (fish, poultry, eggs). You can consume these products from 0 to 2 times a day. Hence, 2 conclusions follow. The first is that not all human well-being is built on protein, the body gets enough of it a day from the frequent use of products of the first stage of the pyramid and can easily do without heavy, oversaturated food. The second - it is not at all necessary to eat meat 3 times a day, moreover, it is also harmful.

Above protein foods are dairy products, which are also recommended to be limited to 1-2 servings per day. And at the very top of the pyramid are unhealthy foods that are vitally important to exclude from your diet. These are animal fats (red meat, butter) and "fast" carbohydrates, including refined products (sugar, wheat flour we are used to, white rice), as well as synthetic products (sweets, soda, chips, sausages, sausages). Modern nutritionists now include potatoes in this category because of their high starch content.

So, we see that the use of fish, eggs and poultry is completely optional, and red meat is completely dangerous to health. And this is if we are talking about the meat of healthy animals. If you want to do some research, you can find a lot of information on how modern farms work.

However, we missed another important point. As it was said, at the base of the pyramid lies the physical activity of a person, and it is primary in relation to the food itself. However, what is primary in relation to physical activity itself? What is primary in this world? Energy. Energy is primary, matter is secondary. In order for there to be physical activity, there must be energy to realize this activity. Have you noticed how “active” a person who eats a lot and often is? And how active is the growing baby, who can sometimes spend the whole day practically without food, tirelessly frolicking in the sun? It would seem that the child ate little. But he also spent little energy on digesting what he ate.

It may seem paradoxical, but vital energy, prana, which permeates everything around, including man, is the source of life. Children have a lot of prana, it is she who drives the growth processes. In no case are we talking about the fact that children do not need quality food. Note, however, that food without energy can never support the body. When there is no more prana in the old body, life leaves it, no matter how much this body is fed. Conversely, even if there is no soil and moisture, a sprout can break out of the stone. Children are very similar to such sprouts, initially they are strong and full. But what quality and strength will energy be if you constantly pollute both physical and subtle bodies with pieces of carrion, replacing pieces of life with pieces of death? Think about it, please.

Problems attributed to vegetarianism

Often, you can be frightened by false information that vegetarians lack various elements and vitamins. Let's take a look at some of the most common myths.

1 / Lack of protein

In studies, it is customary to take the protein of a chicken egg for the so-called "ideal protein". The amino acid content in it is conventionally taken as 100%. Now let's look at a plant-based protein source like flax seeds. It turns out the following comparison table.

Amino acidPerfect proteinFlax seeds
 g / 100 g protein /%g / 100 g protein /%
Valine5.0 / 1004.85 / 97
Isoleucine4.0 / 1004.25 / 106
Leucine7.0 / 1005.9 / 84
Lysine5.5 / 1004.0 / 72.7
Methionine + cystine3.5 / 1002.9 / 82.9
Phenylalanine + Tyrosine6.0 / 1006.95 / 115.8
Threonine4.0 / 1003.7 / 92.5
Tryptophan1.0 / 1001.8 / 180

Thus, the claim that no plant food contains as much protein as slaughter food is untenable.

2. Low hemoglobin

IDA (iron deficiency anemia) is a disease characterized by impaired hemoglobin synthesis due to iron deficiency in the human body. It is believed that for a normal level of hemoglobin it is necessary to eat red meat, especially beef liver, and vegetarians supposedly have nowhere to get iron. However, let's turn to the comparative analysis again.

ProductIron content per 100 g
Meat1.5-2.8 mg
Buckwheat8 mg
Beans12.4 mg
Seaweed16 mg
Rosehip11.5 mg
Peaches4.1 mg

As you can see, meat has the least amount of iron than the rest of the listed foods, which are vegetarian. In addition, many people are unaware of the fact that iron is absorbed from food in relatively small quantities. For its better absorption, the help of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is required, so it is extremely important not only to consume foods rich in iron, but also to combine them with sources of vitamin C: citrus fruits, bell peppers, sour berries, fresh or sauerkraut. Rosehip and buckwheat, for example, in addition to their high iron content, are also sources of ascorbic acid.

In addition, an amazing fact testifies to the indispensability of greens in the human diet. If we compare the structure of the hemoglobin molecule in human blood and the chlorophyll molecule contained in plants, we will see structures that are absolutely identical to each other, with the exception that an iron ion will be in the center of the hemoglobin molecule, and a magnesium ion will be in the center of the chlorophyll molecule.


This fact was discovered by scientists at the beginning of the 20th century and in modern conditions of human life is very significant. Why? Why is low iron levels in the body bad?

It's simple: the main function of iron in the human body is to carry oxygen. Also, iron is involved in most of the processes in the body (the work of the immune system, thyroid gland, elimination of toxins, acceleration of regeneration). However, what kind of living conditions do we have in modern cities? Increased level of gas pollution, little oxygen. And when a person does not have enough oxygen, the body tries to compensate for this by increasing the level of hemoglobin (a similar reaction occurs among climbers in the mountains, but climbers descend from the mountains ... and the level of air pollution with heavy impurities only increases from year to year). But what's wrong with elevated hemoglobin? The fact is that with an excess of iron in the body, processes similar to the formation of rust occur: iron molecules oxidize and damage living tissues. In this way, the majority of urban residents today, on the contrary, are at risk of increasing the concentration of iron in the blood. The incidence of, for example, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the joints, the nervous system, and heart pathologies is increasing. All these diseases are the result of changes in the liver, pancreas, heart muscle, caused, among other things, by excessive accumulations of iron in them, because iron is deposited mainly in these organs. An excess of iron complicates the course of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, can provoke cancer of the intestines, liver, and lungs. Rheumatoid arthritis also often occurs with an excess of iron. Which exit? Eat more greens and green vegetables and fruits. It is chlorophyll that has a similar effect to hemoglobin on human blood: carries oxygen and accelerates nitrogen metabolism, but without the participation of iron ions. So it is vegetarianism that can help improve the health of modern people.

3. Lack of vitamin B12

B12 is an element immanent to hematopoiesis, i.e. he participates in the process of hematopoiesis. This is the key role of vitamin B12. Thus, if a person has a B12 deficiency, then you need to be alert, because this can directly lead to consequences such as anemia, which in turn leads to various diseases of the liver and kidneys, as well as to dysfunction of the nervous system. Such an insidious disease as multiple sclerosis can develop due to a lack of this vitamin.

B12 is produced only by bacteria, in other words, it does not exist in plant form. All plant sources of vitamin B12 are artificially fortified with this vitamin. Therefore, it is believed that vegetarians who do not consume killer food, and especially vegans and raw foodists who also refused to eat dairy products, are at risk of developing diseases caused by a B12 deficiency in the body. Everything seems to be logical, however, why then often meat eaters also suffer from a lack of B12?

The whole point is in its assimilation. In order for the external Castle factor to be assimilated, the work of the internal Castle factor is important. Intrinsic Castle Factor is an enzyme by which the extrinsic Castle Factor, i.e. vitamin B12 will be absorbed by the body. Castle's external factor is one of the names of vitamin B12. With the help of intrinsic Kastl factor, which is produced in the stomach, external Kastl factor can be absorbed in the intestine. In the duodenum, vitamin B12 is released from the complex with the R-peptide, then it combines with the internal Kastl factor (this is very important, because the internal factor protects the external one from destruction, or rather being eaten by intestinal bacteria during the passage through the gastrointestinal path) and then, reaching the lower intestine, will be assimilated by the body.

Now it becomes clear to us what role the digestive system plays here. We can say that the most important. If even one link in the chain does not work as it should, then vitamin B12 will not be absorbed. This is what doctors explain the lack of vitamin B12 in non-vegetarians. There is also another important reason for the lack of absorption of B12 in the intestine. No matter how unpleasant it is to admit people, many have internal parasites. It is the presence of these parasites (various kinds of worms and worms inside the body) of the digestive system that can negatively affect the absorption of the vitamin that has entered the body with food.

According to doctors, vitamin B12 is found exclusively in animal products. In particular, there is a lot of it in the so-called "depot" B12: kidneys and liver of animals. In humans, B12 reserves are deposited there. At the same time, we are faced with a reasonable question: where do the animals themselves, especially the herbivorous cows themselves, get B12, if it is not in plant food.

It turns out that animal organisms, including humans, can produce B12 on their own. The internal intestinal flora, both in animals and in humans, is capable of synthesizing it. In order for this opportunity to be realized, it is necessary to think about the fact that the intestines are, as they say, populated with good microflora, and the pathogenic one would be destroyed. Then even the orthodox medical circles are able to recognize that the independent synthesis of vitamin B12 inside the body is quite possible. However, in this case, the body, its gastrointestinal tract, must be clean and even more free from parasites or with a minimum amount of them.

When eating animal food, one can hardly talk about the presence of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Otherwise, where would there be so many cases of B12 deficiency due to its inadequate absorption in the body? An interesting paradox turns out. Those who consume food of animal origin are very often unable to absorb this vitamin. It turns out that the very consumption of animal meat for the sake of obtaining B12 is not beneficial for the reason that the body is contaminated with the decay products of animal products in the intestines, and without a radical change in diet, one can hardly talk about cleansing the gastrointestinal tract for a longer period of time.

Consequently, the transition to a plant-based diet with simultaneous antiparasitic procedures will not only cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, but will also maintain it in a new state with the generation of useful microflora that can independently synthesize B12 for a long time.

Some scientists have concluded that foods containing vitamin B12 are not only meat products, but also in honey, hemp milk, flaxseed, nettle, spirulina and chlorella. There is also an opinion that many wild plants, i.e. herbs growing in forests contain many useful elements with which official science is just beginning to get acquainted. They are beginning to be discovered, so it is possible that in the future science will become aware of much more vitamins of the same group B. Do not forget about flaxseed either. Its benefits are not only in its unique chemical composition, but also in the fact that it has long been known as an excellent antiparasitic agent.

Thus, we can conclude that vegetarians are more likely to have a healthy body with a balanced content of trace elements and vitamins.


The principles of building baby food.

1. Child under 1 year old. Introduction of complementary foods

  • Appearance of food interest (6-8 months)

At about 6 months, babies begin to show interest in food. What does it mean? They begin to observe the process of food intake by their mother, they may grab a spoon or try to take food from their mother's plate. By this time, the push reflex usually fades away, in which the babies push everything out of the mouth with their tongue, except for the mother's breast. It is necessary to understand that the figure of 6 months is quite approximate, and each child is different: some of them begin to be interested in food at 6 months, and some - at 9-10. Listen to your baby, watch him, and you will surely understand when the time comes to acquaint him with the species food of man.

  • Breast Milk Remains Complete Nutrition

During the first year of life, breastfeeding remains the main source of nutrients for the baby. Complementary feeding cannot replace a full meal. The task of complementary foods during this period is only to get acquainted with the tastes, texture of the food of adults. Think of complementary foods as exercises that develop taste, smell and intelligence, but in no case set yourself the goal of feeding your baby a plate of porridge or eating a new product that this time did not suit him.

  • Do not drink until 6-9 months

As long as the baby feeds only on breast milk, there is objectively no need to supplement it with water. Even in the summer heat. Breast milk contains about 90% water. In the absence of extreme conditions (for example, the threat of dehydration as a result of severe diarrhea), before an active complementary food is introduced (not additional feeding, when the baby is just beginning to get acquainted with the family's diet, bit by bit, and the complementary food itself, when the amount of food has already increased significantly), add water additional water is not required. The stomach of a child (especially a baby, because breast milk is the only food that is absorbed almost completely) is very small in size, and its walls do not yet have such a pronounced ability to stretch as in an adult (hence the frequent regurgitation). Therefore, even 1-2 teaspoons of water can significantly fill the stomach volume and create a false feeling of satiety in the baby, which will lead to the risk that he will begin to breastfeed less often (accordingly, there will be less milk). In addition, it seems quite logical and convincing that nature has provided a very wise mechanism for providing a newborn with all the necessary substances only through breastfeeding from time immemorial, and without extreme need it seems superfluous to intervene in this mechanism.

  • We introduce you to the products that are eaten in the family (micro doses from 8 to 15 times)

Where to start complementary foods? The most frequent question of a young mother. If we are talking about getting to know the family's diet, then why not suggest trying what the parents eat most often? It's good if the majority of each parent's diet consists of greens and green vegetables and fruits, which are the least likely to cause allergic reactions. Try offering your kid some cereals (preferably gluten-free): buckwheat, corn, quinoa - just a few grains each. The kid will clearly show you what he appreciated and what he did not like. However, do not rush to give up a product that at first did not suit your crumb. Kids manage to taste the dish only 8-10 times, and get used to it - from the 15th. Try to start complementary foods with less allergenic or concentrated foods. Acquaintance with citrus fruits, nuts, prefer lighter foods than solanaceous foods. Also remember that cow's milk protein is the strongest allergen for babies in the first year of life, so if your family consumes dairy products, put off meeting them until the second year of life.

  • Choosing seasonal products

When it comes to fruits and vegetables, it is certainly better to opt for seasonal products, since imported products are most often treated with chemicals so that they do not deteriorate or ripen during delivery and the seller would not incur losses for overripe and spoiled goods. Seasonal products are those that are grown or harvested for the winter in the area where you live, or not very far from it (for example, the south of your country or more southern neighboring countries). For example, cabbage, beets, carrots, turnips, apples will be seasonal for the Russian winter and spring. In summer and autumn, nature generously rewards us with a variety of greens, berries, fruits and vegetables, at this time, positively increase the amount of raw materials in your diet. If the baby has no pronounced problems with the gastrointestinal tract, there are absolutely no contraindications to raw vegetables and herbs. At this time, you can safely acquaint your baby with potential allergens - berries, tomatoes, pumpkin. Natural products that do not need to be treated with chemicals for better preservation or artificial cultivation carry a much lower risk of triggering an autoimmune reaction. You can also make preparations for some seasonal products for the winter in the freezer, for example, herbs, berries, vegetables.

  • We do not homogenize food, more often we offer solid vegetables and fruits

How can you benefit from avoiding the so-called "mashed potatoes"? First, the baby makes a real acquaintance with the food: not only with its taste, but also with its texture and shape. This contributes to his intellectual development as a person who needs to know the world, where she has to live and realize her potential. The child gradually learns to understand that a peach is different from an apple, and a pumpkin is different from a grape. He examines the product with his fingers, gums and tongue, he looks and studies color and shape. This is how he makes up an idea of ​​the world, he builds new logical connections in his thinking, although he cannot yet speak (perhaps that is why we consider him incapable of doing this).

Secondly, he feels like a full-fledged member of the family. After all, if he constantly sees in his plate a monotonous faceless mass, slightly different in color, and on the plates of his parents - different in color and shape, such bright and interesting products, what conclusion will he come to? He will be shown that he is separated from his species, which can subsequently affect the slow growing of the child, because he is not allowed to live in the adult world, even with his own childish portions of this world that he can handle.

Thirdly, the lack of the skill to chew different whole foods leads to sad results in the field of pediatric dentistry. Today, orthodontists note that most children have dental problems at the teething stage. This is, of course, to blame for the habits of adults to feed babies with sweets, but also for the lack of a good healthy blood supply to the gums. Whole food massages the gums so that teeth grow healthier and stronger. Especially promotes dental health when the still toothless baby tries to chew hard vegetables and fruits: carrots, apples.

  • Learning to use cutlery

It is extremely important for the child's psychology and his acceptance into the community of other people to have his own plate, spoon, fork, mug. It may seem useless and unnecessary to teach the baby to immediately wield a spoon on his own, however, this will lay the basis for the technique of eating in his mind. If you spend a little more of your time and attention and each time you give him a spoon in his hand and help bring food to his mouth, in a year he will completely calmly eat on his own with a spoon, and in one and a half - with a fork and a knife. Of course, this is longer than quickly feeding the baby herself, and I especially do not want to then wash the floor, walls, table, chair and the baby himself from the contents of the plate. However, there is no result without effort. And the more efforts and austerities, the higher the result.

In addition, the independent use of devices incredibly develops the baby's intellect, his sense of responsibility, the desire to justify the trust placed and makes him really more conscious, which allows parents in many situations to interact with the child as an equal, intelligent and independent being within the limits that allow at the moment the situation, and do not underestimate his abilities by the thought that he is still too small for some action. If this action is physically feasible for him, it's time to give him a chance to live, develop and cope with some difficulties.

2. Child after 1 year

  • Switching to species food with preservation of HS (at least up to 2 years)

In the second year of life, the baby more and more switches to the use of specific food, breast milk by this time ceases to fulfill the function of nutrition. However, WHO strongly recommends maintaining breastfeeding for at least 2 years, and here's why. Firstly, after a year of the baby, the protective (providing immunity) function of breast milk comes to the fore. It is mother's milk that saves the baby's intestinal microflora from possible diseases, especially at a time when babies begin to actively explore the world: they strive to touch everything with their hands or lick. According to statistics, babies have stronger immunity and are much less likely to get sick.

Secondly, babies at this age do not yet have a mature enzyme system, which is necessary for the digestion and good assimilation of species food. It is the mother's enzymes from breast milk that allow infants to better and more easily digest foods and, moreover, tolerate familiarity with potential allergens well. Allergic reactions are much milder against the background of breastfeeding, and the children's gastrointestinal tract copes with such a reaction better.

Thirdly, as stated in Chapter 14, it is during the second life that lactoferrin is intensively released into breast milk - a special polyfunctional protein that binds iron molecules together and transfers it throughout the body. The degree of iron saturation of human milk lactoferrin is estimated by different authors from 10 to 30%. It has been shown that the protein is involved not only in the transport of iron, zinc and copper ions, but also in the regulation of their absorption. Lactoferrin also possesses antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic activity, anticancer, antiallergic, immunomodulatory and radioprotective properties. Lactoferrin belongs to the innate immunity system, there is evidence that lactoferrin is indirectly involved in the processes of cellular immunity and is an irreplaceable substance for a growing baby,

Fourthly, breastfeeding is important not only for its physiological functions, it is a special, incomparable, connection between mother and child. The sucking reflex is one of the longest lasting (it fades away only by 3-4 years), it serves not only to produce milk and saturate the baby, maintain his life, but also calmness, confidence, the successful development of the child's psyche and relations with the mother and the outside world in general. This is a support and support for your baby.

  • New foods in the diet (allergens)

In the second year of life, you can begin to expand the baby's diet with the help of new products, for example, those that are traditionally considered allergens: citrus fruits, nightshades, dairy products, nuts, dried fruits, products that have a bright color. The gastrointestinal tract is already mature enough to learn to accept such food, moreover, against the background of breastfeeding, as mentioned above, adaptation to new products is gentle.

  • We do not force to eat, we do not distract attention to feed

There is an axiom that a hungry person, including a child, eats. That is why you should not try to feed your child at any cost. It is positive if from a young age he learns the rule that if you are not hungry, you can skip a meal, but then you still get hungry and have to wait for the next meal to satisfy your hunger. It doesn't hurt children at all when they understand and accept how this world works. Often, parents are afraid that the child eats little, instill in him bad eating habits and destroy any culture of behavior at the table, for example: they distract the child's attention with cartoons, and as a result, he, absorbed in what is happening on the screen, does not even realize what he is eating. and does not feel full; allow you to eat unhealthy food (chips, sweets, flour), motivating this by that the child does not want anything else and that it is better to eat harmful than nothing at all; they talk to the baby or distract him with toys, taking his attention away from the process of eating and not letting him get acquainted with the rules of behavior. All this in the future leads to problems when a child earns himself health problems, physical and mental.

  • Special attention of parents to the influence of society on the taste preferences of the child

The kid grows up and after a year begins to be more and more interested in the adults around him, in addition to mom and dad. Active interaction begins with grandparents, family friends and their children, socialization in the playground and in kindergarten. The kid goes beyond the narrow framework of the usual existence within the family only at home, he sees that there are alternative options for life. Grandmothers buy unhealthy sweets, babies in other families are not vegetarians and often have already acquired an addiction to sweets or chips. At this moment, it is very important for parents to pay attention to the child's eating habits that are formed under the influence of society. A kid of this age still highly appreciates the authority of his parents, which is why it is important to teach him to consciously avoid harmful products before he has become addicted to them. It is important to teach him not to accept sweet rewards “for good behavior”, but to adequately perceive various situations, learn to react and overcome difficulties. It is also important to resolve this issue with grandparents, who often try to show their love for their grandchildren in this way. Most of the habits in character (and a habit, as you know, is second nature) is established precisely at an age that seems to us, parents, still unconscious, and we miss the moment when it was necessary to act, forced to face only the results of these habits. Be conscientious, parenting is a special responsibility and mission. It is also important to resolve this issue with grandparents, who often try to show their love for their grandchildren in this way. Most of the habits in character (and a habit, as you know, is second nature) is established precisely at an age that seems to us, parents, still unconscious, and we miss the moment when it was necessary to act, forced to face only the results of these habits. Be conscientious, parenting is a special responsibility and mission. It is also important to resolve this issue with grandparents, who often try to show their love for their grandchildren in this way. Most of the habits in character (and a habit, as you know, is second nature) is established precisely at an age that seems to us, parents, still unconscious, and we miss the moment when it was necessary to act, forced to face only the results of these habits. Be conscientious, parenting is a special responsibility and mission.

Children's food allergies

When it comes to a baby's allergy to any food, it is wrong to think that the reason is only in the product itself. Often we think that allergies are caused, for example, by red foods (tomatoes, apples, beets, pomegranates, berries). However, there are many more probable reasons for the child's body not accepting this or that product, which is the reason for starting the cleansing mechanism through the skin (rashes, itching). What are the most common causes of childhood food allergies?

  • Immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract , which simply cannot cope with the digestion of some product. Nevertheless, if you have an allergy, you should not conclude that such a reaction of the body will always manifest itself. When the baby gets older, most likely he will be able to consume all the food offered to him. There are simply foods that are not yet consumed.
  • Immaturity of the immune system , which is not yet able to adequately respond to the intake of new substances in the body in a new ratio relative to each other. In this case, as already noted, breast milk helps to soften the reaction and help the baby get used to the new product.
  • Synthetic and refined foods, as well as foods containing animal protein, in the diet of a nursing mother are most often the cause of children's food allergies. Each mom-baby pair is unique: she has her own life rhythms and internal processes. The baby's body is inhabited by the same intestinal microflora as that of a nursing mother. If the mother has a rejection of any (most often unnatural) product, and the intestines are clogged with the acceptance of unwanted food, an autoimmune reaction (allergy) occurs in the mother. However, its manifestations are rarely noticeable, since the intestines are heavily slagged. The baby's body is still relatively clean and it is on it that the allergic reaction caused by the mother's diet is clearly traced. Try to exclude or minimize not only in the child's diet, but also in the diet of the whole family.
  • Artificial feeding.If possible, try to avoid the use of artificial formula for your baby and make every effort to establish and maintain natural feeding. Regular high-profile scandals with recalls from the sale of mixtures of various manufacturers prove that even the most expensive mixtures can be the cause of not only allergies, but also more serious and severe autoimmune reactions. Over the past 20 years, in the production of artificial mixtures, cases of infection of baby food with salmonella, the Enterbacter sakazakii bacterium (in children with poorly developed immunity, this bacterium causes sepsis, meningitis and necrotizing enterocolitis), radioactive particles have been regularly detected; content in the mixture of foreign hazardous components (for example, pieces of broken glass or hard plastic), live insects, active polyvinyl chloride, melamine; increased concentration of arsenic and lead; excess of the content of heavy metals; deficiency of vitamins of different groups.

Children's vegetarianism: energy and ethics

Small children are especially sensitive creatures. Have you noticed that the baby always accurately detects when he is being lied to? He feels this, since the logical side of his perception of the world is still poorly developed, intuition dominates in his consciousness. It can be noted that it is generally a mistake of us adults, us Europeans, to oppose logic and intuition. In the East, they know very well that intuition is the gateway to the subtle reality, and they also know very well that there is nothing more logical in the world than the laws of the subtle world, the laws of energy (look at least at physics, a science that completely emerged from the study of energy ). For some reason, we are not taught to logically substantiate our intuition, but are taught not to trust it, relying only on the conclusions that someone once came to. Our entire education system is built on this.

Returning to what was said earlier, children have a heightened sense of justice, children know perfectly well when they are being lied to, but they cannot realize and explain it. As a result, many get internal problems at the subconscious level. How does this apply to vegetarianism? Very simple. Indeed, in fact, vegetarianism is by no means a matter of nutrition, it is a matter of relations with the world, a matter of worldview, respect for the Universe. Therefore, when parents show kids pictures with animals in books, teach them to recognize these animals, memorize them, buy toys in the form of animals that the kids love, and at the same time do not tell them that this very cow was stabbed, cut, boiled and served to them for lunch, parents are lying. They lie without even realizing it. Many adults, who have been accustomed to the so-called traditional diet for years, there is not even a connection in consciousness between love for animals and their use for food. They are not personally involved in the chain from the transformation of a calf into a piece of dead flesh on a store shelf. However, this is a big deception. Adults lie to children, and adults lie that they have nothing to do with this and are not responsible for such acts. But karmic responsibility will come anyway.

And the point is not even that it is impossible to do something bad to another living being because one day they will do the same to you, it is inadmissible to violate the laws of the Universe in principle. Do you know how to return life? Then do you have the right to take it away? Children who, on a subtle level, live in harmony with nature and the Universe, feel more secure, calm, full of trust in the world and benevolent. A benevolent person will meet with success everywhere in life, because he does not have hypertrophied egoism. He will be able to put the well-being of others above his own, he will be an example and a welcome friend to everyone.

We ourselves have not been raised as vegetarians since childhood. There is a theory that until you received information about the real side of meat-eating, you worked off the karma of past lives to maintain balance in the universe. However, from the moment you learned such things about the energetic and ethical aspects of eating killer food, you begin to accumulate negative karma, continuing to do negative deeds. In yoga, this is called vikarma - performing a negative action when you know in advance that it will harm someone. The consequences of vikarma are the most severe. Our children have a unique and rare opportunity - from the very beginning of life to exist in this world ethically. Such a generation will be people of a completely different spiritual, moral and ethical level. Only for people like them is the future of our planet. Of course, then it may happen that your child will give up vegetarianism, but this will be his path, his choice and his experience that he needs to accumulate. You, while he was dependent on you, made the most correct choice, and this is very important in the mission of parenting - to give the child the most correct attitudes, to lead him to the start of an independent conscious life as a decent and good-natured person. Be mindful and compassionate.


Children about vegetarianism.

“My dad became a vegetarian, then my mom and me. As a child, I did not understand my mother. She said: "I, of course, do not force you to be a vegetarian right now, but just listen to me ...". And I interrupted her and said: "Well, let the child eat!" I constantly interrupted her, and now I even really regret it. Now I listen to my mother. She told me: “You see, of course, I feel sorry for the animals. But, nevertheless, vegetables and fruits are much healthier than meat. If you feel sorry for them, then prove pity for them. Don't eat their meat if you feel sorry for them. Be a good person! " It's actually very scary. I personally hate it when they are killed just to eat their meat .

“I used to have frequent headaches, and when I stopped eating meat, I ran out of them. We don't want to eat animals. Even in the textbook about the world around us, it is written that animals are our younger brothers and sisters.
When our family switched to vegetarianism, our mother was looking for something to feed us. Because everyone said, “Well, is this what you are going to eat - one herb?”. And my mother found for us a lot of different delicious dishes, we didn’t even know about their existence before. We started making them and they are very tasty
 . "

“My dad told me that there was no need to eat meat, but I did not understand how to live without it. And when I stopped eating meat, I became much freer: I pull up 13 times, push up 53 times in 1 minute. We took the first place in football with the class. And I'm in second place in the press. "

“When I stopped eating meat, I got better and better: I became healthier, I began to treat animals better. It even flashed through my mind that meat should not be eaten because when you kill them, it will hurt them. And I don't even know what kind of people they are who slaughter animals, and they don't care.
Friends understand me and are friends, as with everyone. And some even listened to me and read the book that I recommended to them. I read it myself and recommended it to my other friends. "


“For example, I go to a store and there is a meat stall. I just walk away from it and try not to look there. Well, I'm sorry for the animals. "

“Children who eat meat for some reason ask a lot. There are students in our class who are constantly asking for everything. Others, on the contrary - they don't eat meat, they like it, they don't ask for absolutely anything. They are somehow comfortable ... And others - they need everything! They saw candy and they start: "Give me candy!" And most importantly - no "please"! They say it all without polite words. "

“I want to say that you shouldn't be afraid of this. If you don't like it, you can go back. And if you are interested in this question, you can find and learn a lot of interesting things. And it seems to me that life will become more interesting. "

“I can say that vegetarianism is good. Because many people who come to vegetarianism begin to improve their health, behavior changes for the better. It seems to me that there is nothing wrong with vegetarianism, there is only good . "

"I have a girlfriend. She communicates well with her mother. She doesn't ask for anything. She is also a vegetarian. And she and I are trying to tell everyone that, after all, it's good to be a vegetarian. This is delicious. But some do not want to switch to other foods because they are already used to their diet. Well, if this happens, okay ... But the main thing is that we grow up as normal people. We don't take anything away, we don't fight, we behave well at school. And this is the most important thing. The main thing is to look after yourself and not for others. When you have already noticed a mistake, corrected all your mistakes, then you should already observe others. "


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