Splenic Artery Aneurysm - Aneurysm Disease

To understand what a splenic artery aneurysm is, you need to understand what the affected organ is. This is the thickest branch that extends from the celiac trunk. A large artery is located at the back of the upper edge of the pancreas, and it goes to the left side. the main function of the splenic blood vessel is to nourish organs such as the pancreas, stomach, and omentum.

Splenic Artery Aneurysm

Symptoms of the Aneurysm disease

Interesting! To date, it is noted that aneurysms of large vessels rank first in terms of prevalence among diseases of the cardiovascular system. The defeat of the splenic region is diagnosed in every fifth person who consults a doctor.

A splenic artery aneurysm is a pathological expansion of the cavity of a large vessel, accompanied by the appearance of a formation in the place where it should not be. There are frequent cases (80%) when the disease does not manifest itself in any way. However, there are clear symptoms that characterize the modification of large arteries. You need to know about them, because it is the ignorance of people in this matter, especially those who are at risk, that is the reason for the late diagnosis of the disease.

So, you should definitely pay attention if unpleasant, sometimes even intolerant sensations appear in the hypochondrium. The pain is concentrated mainly on the left side, and may also persist for a long time, even when taking analgesics. Symptoms of a saccular aneurysm of the splenic artery can also manifest as unpleasant sensations when palpating the affected area.

This is not to say that these manifestations are specific, but this does not mean that they can be ignored. A timely visit to a doctor will avoid serious consequences of the pathology, which are clinically similar to bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, biliary colic, etc. The main diagnostic method in this case is ultrasound.


What causes the pathology and how often does it occur in Aneurysm?

The main cause of an aneurysm is atherosclerosis. It is a condition in which the integrity and elasticity of blood vessels is compromised. If the diagnosis of saccular aneurysm of the splenic artery is made to young women, then the likely cause of this is sharp jumps in blood pressure. Their repeated repetition contributes to injury and deformation of the vascular walls. Quite often, women with multiple pregnancies hear a similar diagnosis in their address. But false aneurysms are directly related to mechanical vascular injuries.

According to statistics, the main list of causes of pathology still includes:

  • fibrous dysplasia;
  • portal form of hypertension;
  • inflammatory processes in the body.

Scientists note that about 2% of the population of the entire country is faced with a ruptured aneurysm. Moreover, 24% of all deaths were caused by the rupture of the pathological formation. In 90% of multiple pregnancies, a similar diagnosis is also made.


Attention! All doctors agree that health cannot be neglected. And if there are any violations of the general condition, then you need to immediately seek qualified help from specialists.


Possible complications in Aneurysm 

The biggest danger of an artery aneurysm is rupture. A similar condition threatens death, which occurs in 20-25% of cases. If you decide to give up surgical treatment, it’s like sitting on a powder keg. As the pathology develops, structural changes in the blood vessels still occur.

There are several conditions that can be the consequences of an aneurysm.

  1. Violation of the integrity of the blood channel - this is due to the thinning of the walls and an increase in the level of their fragility. This makes them susceptible to even slight increases in blood pressure. When a rupture occurs, internal bleeding occurs, and if measures are not taken in time, then everything can end in failure.
  2. Aneurysm of the splenic blood vessel against the background of cholesterol deposits behaves somewhat differently. Until cholesterol plaques have time to calcify, you can safely get rid of them, thereby preventing a deadly pathology. Treatment becomes much more difficult when plaque literally grows into the walls of the artery. The fact is that after their removal, again, bleeding opens, and the likelihood of thrombosis is high.

Leading experts believe that whatever the nature of the origin of the aneurysm, if it is progressive, then the best way to get rid of it is surgery. Moreover, this should not be delayed, because if bleeding inside the organ opens, it will have to be replaced with a graft.


Disease therapy of Aneurysm 

As mentioned, the main treatment for a splenic artery aneurysm is surgery. The vascular surgeon is engaged in this, who individually determines the expediency of the operation. The main indications are:

  • the rapid development of an aneurysm;
  • signs of calcification;
  • gap in education during the period of bearing a child;
  • large sizes;
  • congenital pathology.

Intervention can be done in two ways.

  1. Stenting involves making a small incision in a large artery. After that, a special stent is placed in the vessel cavity. Its main function is to strengthen the vascular walls and prevent possible rupture.
  2. Angioplasty is performed using a natural / artificial blood vessel. The surgeon skillfully replaces the damaged part of the vessel or organizes a detour. This allows you to significantly reduce the level of pressure in the place where the pathological disorders occurred.

Remember one thing, you should never hope that the splenic artery aneurysm will resolve on its own. This will not happen, which is why it is so important to take action without waiting for her to break.


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