Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Macro and Micro preparation

Macro preparation and Micro preparation of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, pulmonary emphysema). Interstitial lung disease

Describe the following macro and micro preparations of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

  • Description of the macro preparation:
    1. Which body or part thereof is represented
    2. Surface condition
    3. Sectional view
    4. The condition of the cavities
    5. The prevalence of the process
    6. Conclusion
  • Description of the micro preparation
    1. Which organ tissue is represented
    2. Structural changes
    3. The prevalence of the process
    4. Conclusion


Macro and Micro Preparations of Chronic bronchitis

Macro and Micro Preparations of Chronic bronchitis
Chronic bronchitis

Description of the macro preparation:

  1. Mainly in lining of the bronchial tubes which are mainly used for flow of air. And also, Bronchioles, Alveoli and Air sacs.
  2. Mucus hypertrophy cause hyper-secretion of mucus and with Subsequent Inflammatory cells infiltration cause chronicinflammation in bronchioles, and Brochi.
  3. Lumen - Narrow, Mucus Plus are present in airway, bronchial wall become thicked, Alveoli Adjacent are damaged.
  4. Alveoli adjacent and Bronchial Damaged. Mucus present in excess. Alveoli getting enlarged and no. Of alveoli is reduced
  5. The prevalence of the process is approx 2.6% and in smokers it increased to 20.1 - 56.9% with median value of 40%
  6. It is characterized by mucus hypertrophy chronic inflammation in bronchioles. Production of cough with sputum for 3 months

Description of the micro preparation:

  1. in this chronic bronchitis, the lining of bronchial tube will getting irritated and inflamed. And also central airways is also getting inflammated in this Diseases.
  2. Irritated airways, Excess mucus production, no of goblet cells and mucus secreting glands increased, ciliary junction reduced, alveoli adjacent become damaged.
  3. in this mucus will increased and making mucus plugs, and I will cause alter function of alveolar macrophase and alveoli and lungs getting infacted.
  4. This diseases also known as blue bloater due to less oxygen in Arteries because of excessive mucus and narrow air ways. In this production of cough and sputum will production for 3 months due to secretion of mucus in large amount.


Macro and Micro Preparations of Pulmonary emphysema

Macro and Micro Preparations of Pulmonary emphysema
Pulmonary emphysema

Description of the macro preparation:

  1. Distal to Terminal bronchioles, having two types - 1) Centrilobular - in upper lobe of lung. 2) Panlobular - in lower lobe of lung (Especially in Basal Segment)
  2. Acinus and respiratory bronchiole to Alveoli getting expended.
  3. Walls of alveoli getting destroyed with absence of fibrosis. Alveolar surface area destroyed and cause dead spaces.
  4. Dead space are present in cavity, Alveoli surfaced damaged and causes dead space. Enlargement of air spaces.
  5. The prevalence of emphysema is 0.2 - 37% . Spread by droplets and contact with infected person. Also can cause by bacteria, foreign microorganism.
  6. Pulmonary emphysema is a irreversibly enlargement of air sacs which is distal to terminal bronchioles with the destruction of alveoli walls without evidences or presence of fibrosis.

Description of the micro preparation:

  1. in alveoli, destroying the surface area of alvelor which is mainly decrease in capillaries and then it causes dead space.
  2. Acinus Expandes, dead spaces due to destroying surface area of alveoli.
  3. it leads to hypoxia, which causes distrubanse in CO2 elimination and get increase tension of CO2 in Arterial blood which will causes respiratory acidosis and increase forcing the Right Ventricle.
  4. this will cause severe dyspnea, scant sputum, less frequent infection, cough after dyspnea. In emphysema, Alveoli is unable to exchange the gases from lung to blood. So that’s why, it will cause Difficulty in breathing which is known as dyspnea.

Macro and Micro Preparations of Bronchoectasis with pneumosclerosis

Macro and Micro Preparations of Bronchoectasis with pneumosclerosis
Bronchoectasis with pneumosclerosis

Description of the macro preparation:

  1. Upper part of lungs, Peroximal and central part of ACINUS is Expanded. Distal Acinus and Alveoli is unchanged.
  2. Fibrosis which is known as cystic fibrosis bronchoectasis.
  3. Bronchial tube are permanently damaged, widened and thickened.
  4. Completed damaged air ways. Cystic fibrosis is occur also. Upper lobe of lungs are damages, So air flow will effected.
  5. Due to any damage, or foreign/trigger agents.
  6. Due to trigger agent, it cause the destruction of bronchial wall, which leads to bronchial dilation and enlargement of bronchial arteries, cause airway obstruction.

Description of the micro preparation:

  1. Cartilage, Muscles and elastic tissue of Bronchial walls. Paranchyma of Lungs.
  2. fibrous tissue of the lungs (Bronchial wall), thick and purulent material collacted in dialated bronchi due to excess mucus production. Enlargement of bronchial arteries.
  3. any trigger/etiological agent or any external damage to the lungs can lead this diseases.
  4. In this condition , the vascularity of bronchial wall will increased, and the bronchial wall will replace with fibrous tissue.


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